Photo Fun

Playing around with different art and photo editors and apps. Visual post coming at ya!


Art editor app — Paper Artist


Photo editor app — Superphoto. I love the effect but the hand model needs a manicure. Gross.


Original selfie with Samsung cell phone camera. I am loving my newish Kate Spade glasses. I tried on 50 shades (ha ha … pun intended) of various glasses and the eye glasses specialist gavecme these to try. They know their stuff. I invested in polarizing lens. I love it. I never wear my contacts because I love my glasses so much. I am a Kate Spade convert. I love her designs.

Photos below were created using a text app and Paper Artist app.






Photo editor fun. Macabre (one of my favorite words even though I was mispronouncing it like the “‘re” in cobra. My writer buddy, Debra Elramey and I had a good laugh over it. She set me straight).


This photo is natural. I may have used an Instagram filter like vintage perhaps, but my house is pretty vintage seeing it was built in 1880 and is historically plaqued. I do love my farmer’s sink. And tomatoes rippening on the windowsill. That is like one of my favorite things…it should be added to Julie Andrews song, “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.” What are a few of your favourite things?
1. London
2. Writing spiders
3. Tea with lemon and honey
4. Cameras
5. Fountain pens
6. Morning light
7. Afternoon light
8. Art
9. My son’s laugh
10. My husband’s touch

In no particular  order…those are a few of my favorite things. What are a few of yours?


Morning light