Ten Years

Today, ten years ago I married my soul mate on a wintry Wyoming November day. Sugary snow crystals covered Cheyenne from the evening before. A blizzard blanket covered the town — all was quiet.

My father joined in our intimate ceremony, lying in bed, but lucid and present. My mother’s gregarious laugh echoed in the art filled rooms. My best friend Heidi wore a navy blue velvet gown. Our smiles were our lipstick.

It was a beautiful day. I knew the man I was marrying would be a wonderful husband and father and most importantly — best friend.  He is my soul mate. I love him so.

Here is an essay I wrote around this time in 2003 about my wedding dress. It’s a short read. I feel it is one of my best essays I have ever written. https://memomuse.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/the-dress-and-the-snake-2/