Red Belly Slide


My little beautiful boy! He is adorable. He was so cute -- he gave Teddy a special hug after Teddy fell off Ben's "motorcycle" and he ran him over. I was witness to toddler magic. Some days it really is that simple and pure.

Red Belly Slide

After looking over some motivated to do lists in my notebook, it has dawned on me I still have not looked at being a stay-at-home mom as a full-time job.  I long for a day of emails, phone calls, and people asking me for my expertise.  I’m still trying to fit in so many other tasks to fill in as a freelance writer and photographer, as if 40 hours of a workweek exist.  I get frustrated when I can’t get it all done or even find time to concentrate for more than ten minute stretches.  Being a stay-at-home mom is a full-time job.  Why does it feel like I should fit more in?

Am I missing the Big Picture?  Am I missing that my son and I have this unique opportunity to bond?  (As I write this I’m cheering him on as he goes down the spring pollen dusty red slide at the park near our house.)

For just as I wish be recognized for my creative talents, he wishes to be recognized for his.  And for him, it’s going down the red slide on his belly making sure I watch him the whole way.  He sneaks a look back at me to make sure I watched until the very end.

Sometimes I’d rather watch paint dry than watch my son play, but heck, these days go by so very quick – I should savor the quiet.  I should savor no emails, phone calls or interaction with adults because I’ve got the most interesting boy in the world sliding down a red slide on his belly and he really cares if I participate.

A slideshow of our adventure walking to the park, with the scent and sights of spring in the warm North Carolina air.  My favorite spring bloom is the Dogwood tree.  A fleeting moment as spring blows her sweet kisses, welcoming rebirth and renewal. 

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