Memorial Day

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Proud to be American! Even prouder of the people who sacrifice their life to serve in the United States Armed Forces.

If you love a veteran, watch this documentary.

“Freedom has a price.  It’s not free.  You have to fight for this freedom” – Marine who served in the Korean War from Chosin, the documentary,

The only thing my father ever mentioned about the Korean War (he was a member of the Frozen Chosin and was at Inchon, one of the worst battles in Marine Corps history) was in regards to the TV show, M.A.S.H.

My sister and I used to hound him about it.  “Why won’t you let us watch it?”

He said curtly, “Because it’s not funny.”

He flipped the circular dial off and give us a look.

There was no way we could possibly know what this war did to him.  But I truly believe he sacrificed a part of himself he never got back.   My father is buried at Arlington Cemetery.  He was cremated and his ashes were sent to Arlington.  He did not get buried until January, because there were so many soldiers being buried from the Iraq War.  To love a soldier that survived war is to know what war does to a man.  But as the man in the trailer for Chosin, said, “Freedom has a price.  It’s not free. You have to fight for freedom.”  And I salute everyone who has served and the families that have loved soldiers who have come home and to those who have not.  My heart goes out to you.

I finally began to understand this side of my father when I went to a veteran’s support group meeting with him.  The psychologist who led the group had a hook for a hand; he lost his hand in Vietnam.  The men in the room that did speak, spoke about not wanting to burden their children and wives about the atrocities of war.  They thought it was best to keep it locked up inside themselves.  I’ve never been more proud of my father than at that moment.  It was his way of opening his heart about something that was deeply painful for him, even though he did not say a word.

Dad, I love you.  My father served in the Marine during the Korean War, and was also a member of the Frozen Chosin and survivor of the battle of Inchon.

My father stopping to smell the roses on my wedding day,

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About memomuse

I am an arts educator, writer, poet, photographer, and mama. United Arts Council Artist in the Schools and Writer-in-Residence -- I am available to conduct workshops and residencies: Memoir, Writing, Poetry, Spoken Word, Poetry Slams. Contact me for more information. Also available for freelance writing and photography. I am also working on a historic food memoir:

7 thoughts on “Memorial Day

  1. Oh Megan…I’m in tears…for the love you have for your father, for his sacrifices (sanity, honesty, transparency, and more). I have always hated war, yet respected those who understand its necessity. I am free because of men like your father, my step-brother (dying from tongue cancer due to Agent Orange), my father, and more.

    I wish this life on earth offered other options, and I wish I understood why it doesn’t. I don’t. I never will. But my deepest wish and prayer is that there is a rhyme and a reason that only our hearts can detect–that only the men and women who chose to give up so much can understand.

    Your heart it big and bold. Do not be afraid to embrace its power…


  2. Hi- my name is Anton Sattler, one of the producers for ‘Chosin.’ Thank you for posting about the documentary. The veterans of your father’s generation are our personal heroes. As Marines and veterans ourselves, we stand on their shoulders and strive to live up to their legacy. Thanks again and Semper Fi!


    • Thank you Anton Sattler for your comment. You are right; they are great men. I am so glad you made this movie. It shows the human side to war and shines a light on the vulnerability of those who serve. It provides great insight for those who love veterans and people that serve of exactly what they are sacrificing when they make a committment to serve their country.


  3. Pingback: Memorial Day | MemoMuse

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